Ready to share your message, make an impact, and get paid to do it? 

Have you been struggling with crafting 
your message or landing paid speaking gigs?

  • Don't know where to start?
  • Can't figure out the next steps?
  • Are you frustrated?
  • Do you feel stuck?
  • Are you wasting time?
  • Do you need help?

I get it. I was there too.

Starting out on your own as a paid motivational speaker is hard and there are so many challenges you will run into along the way.

But after 10+ years...

 I have finally cracked the code to getting paid to speak in schools.

I created Next Level Speakers Academy to help you confidently overcome those obstacles and get you up on stage and paid to share your story in front of thousands ASAP!

 For years, people have been asking me, 

"Jeremy, how do you get paid to speak?

And for the first time ever, I'm going to share my secrets with you about how I have been able to create the speaking career of my dreams for me and my family.

In a matter of weeks...

You can go from sending out hundreds of emails without a single response, to having schools begging you to come back. 

If you're an entrepreneur, author, influencer or currently a speaker, you already have the raw materials to be successful. 

It's time to cement your legacy and scale your impact by sharing your message with the world and get paid a lot of money to do it.
The icing on the cake?

I’m giving you the step-by-step system I used to get there.

Let's get it!

"Did You Know Motivational Youth Speakers
Get Paid An Average of $2500-$5000 PER GIG?"

What is Next Level Speakers Academy?

The Next Level Speakers Academy is your A-to-Z blueprint to learn the ropes of motivational speaking. You will learn how to get into schools to make a huge impact while getting paid to do it with a system that will help you get booked consistently, even if you haven't worked in this industry before… all in an 8 module, self-paced course with a built in community, and bi-weekly Q & A with me.

What's in the Course?

  • Module 1: Your Talk - How to Craft Your Message
  • ​Module 2: Your Audience  - How to Narrow Your Niche 
  • ​Module 3: Your Business - How to Build a Team and Set Up Contracts, LLCs, or Non-profits, Deal with Taxes, etc
  • ​Module 4: Your Brand - How to Build a Speaking Career You Are Proud of
  • ​Module 5: Your Reach - How to Market to Your Ideal Clients
  • ​Module 6: Your Fee - How to Know How Much to Charge
  • ​Module 7: Your Reputation - How to Get Re-Booked Again and Again
  • ​Module 8: Your Legacy - How to Add Even More Value, through the Upsell

What's Included?

  • 8 MODULES and 31 CLASSES with everything you need to know about how to craft and share your message, develop your brand, get into the places that need you, and get paid well to do it. ($6,297 Value)
  • The SCRIPTS and TEMPLATES my team and I use to reach out to schools or administrators ($497 Value)
  • ​​How to Create your SPEAKER REEL, PRESS KIT, and SOCIAL MEDIA STRATEGY ($497 Value)
  • ​LIVE Monthly Q&A GROUP CALLS with me ($1,497 Value)
  • ​Access to my INNER CIRCLE expert calls ($2,997 Value)
  • ​​My unique FOLLOW-UP SYSTEM that gets my clients to love and re-book me over and over again ($1,997 Value)
  • ​The ONE THING I did to DOUBLE my revenue! ($1,997 Value)
  • ​​Private FACEBOOK GROUP - A supportive community of other impact makers, like you, who will share their wins and strategies so that we all win ($997 Value)

That's OVER $17,273 in Value!

ON SALE $1,500 (normally $1,997)

(Monthly Payment Options Available)

"You could make MORE in just ONE paid speaking gig, than the cost of this ENTIRE PROGRAM!" 

The problem is... there are tens of thousands of schools who need inspirational speakers and very few speakers available to speak. 

Many schools have a sizeable budget for this, but they don't know where to begin to find the right people!

This is where you come in. I'm going to share everything that I know to help you get your message out there to make the impact it deserves.

Why I believe in this!

There are over 100,000 middle and high schools in the US. These schools and educators are desperate for inspirational speakers. 

Kids these days are dropping out of school, harming themselves, and bullying each other. Teen suicide is climbing at an alarming rate and they NEED a voice of hope to cut through the noise, the negativity, and the peer pressure.

I'm passionate about sharing a message of hope with these kids because I've been there. My mom had me when she was just 16 years old. I'm a dropout. I was told I'd never make it. That led me into a life of alcohol addiction and dealing drugs. It was a mentor/speaker that woke me up and put me on the right path.

There are over 100,000 middle and high schools in the US. These schools and educators are desperate for inspirational speakers. 

Kids these days are dropping out of school, harming themselves, and bullying each other. Teen suicide is climbing at an alarming rate and they NEED a voice of hope to cut through the noise, the negativity, and the peer pressure.

I'm passionate about sharing a message of hope with these kids because I've been there. My mom had me when she was just 16 years old. I'm a dropout. I was told I'd never make it. That led me into a life of alcohol addiction and dealing drugs. It was a mentor/speaker that woke me up and put me on the right path.

The problem is... there are tens of thousands of schools who need inspirational speakers and very few speakers available to speak. 

Many schools have a sizeable budget for this, but they don't know where to begin to find the right people!

This is where you come in. I'm going to share everything that I know to help you get your message out there to make the impact it deserves.


You're protected by my 
100% Satisfaction Guarantee

I’m so confident you’ll get what you want from this program if you do the work. I know sometimes working a program can get overwhelming, so if you find yourself struggling, make sure to plug into the group calls, and get the most of what you've signed up for.


Dr. Eric Thomas

"I have known Jeremy for over 20 years. He is a major impactor in the educational arena. He has personal insight and experience on what it takes to invoke change in the schools and make a true difference. Don't sleep on this opportunity."

Inky Johnson

"I’ll never forget the first time I shared the stage with Jeremy Anderson and what I experienced when he presented....It was special! His oratory skills are second to none and you will never forget the way he makes you feel."

Frequently Asked Questions

I'm always busy with my work, kids, etc. Do I have to keep up week by week or can I go at my own pace?
While the course is set to deliver each module over an 8-week period, some of the work will take longer and some will take less time. You have lifetime access to the course and I am going to be in the Facebook Group to answer questions  as they arise. My goal is your success and satisfaction and ultimately, to get your message out to the people who need you most.

Is it necessary to already have speaking experience to enroll in this course?
Absolutely not. The private Facebook Community will be a great place to get feedback from others and sharpen your skills, and I will give you all the tips and tricks I've learned about engaging an audience and also ways to combat stage fright so you can deliver your message with confidence.

Will I learn how to write my speech & figure out what my message is?
Yep! I'll provide an outline that has been my go-to to crafting memorable talks that are easy to deliver.

Do I need to have a sales team or agent to become a paid speaker?
No. When I first started, it was just me and my wife. Now, I have a team in place as I have been able to scale my speaking career. In this program, I will give you all the tools necessary to get booked as a speaker without a sales team or agent as well as how to scale your business with a team.

I get horrible stage fright; can I still be motivational speaker? 
Stage fright is a real thing! I still get nervous before I get up to speak. But what I found  from my conversations with some of the best and most experienced motivational speakers in the world is that they still get nervous before speaking. That said, I'll share with you some of my tips to feeling confident and prepared so you can reduce the stress and anxiety that comes from public speaking.

What if I can't afford the program right now?
I get it. I've been there. I wish I could give this away for free. But I've learned over time that those who pay, pay attention. This program is for those that are committed becoming a world class motivational speaker and willing to go all in. We have a payment program available to make the price easier to digest. Also, I am confident that with this program you will have everything you need to make up the cost and more with just one speaking gig.

What if I already am a paid speaker?
That's great! You'll have a head start. My goal is to help you craft your message and refine your brand so that you can charge more and fill up your calendar. If you are looking for even more support. You can apply for the Next Level Speakers Elite. We have a team who can work closely with you and build your brand, website, and your press kit, as well as film and edit your speaker reel. APPLY BELOW to ensure we are the best fit for you current needs.

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